


  • Mount Spokane High School
  • www.mead354.org
  • Ferris High School Spokane
  • http://www.spokaneschools.org/ferris
  • Freihof Gymnasium Goeppingen
  • http://www.freihof-gymnasium.de/

GAPP News and Announcements

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day one and two in Munich

When we arrived in Munich and after checking into our Youth Hostel we went on an informal city tour led by Frau Wipp and to the Olympiastadium that was built for the Summer Olympic Games in 1974. On Friday we went on a very moving tour of Dachau (We had an excellent guide and learned a lot about the Holocaust!). Many people there complemented us on the respectful behavior of our students!
In the evening we went swimming at the Olympic Pool.

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