


  • Mount Spokane High School
  • www.mead354.org
  • Ferris High School Spokane
  • http://www.spokaneschools.org/ferris
  • Freihof Gymnasium Goeppingen
  • http://www.freihof-gymnasium.de/

GAPP News and Announcements

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday 7/14/10

Today is our last day at school. We will practice our presentations 'How strange are strangers' and then give them in German (!) in front of an audience of students and teachers...
Tonight we'll have a good bye celebrations with all the students, their parents and the teachers involved in the GAPP exchange.
We'll leave for Munich early tomorrow morning and since I don't know the internet situation at the Youth Hostel yet, I can't promise any updates during that time. I will however make sure all the updates are completed during the week of our return.
Hope you enjoyed following our journey so far and see you all again very soon.


  1. Thank you so much for all that you've done and are doing for the group. Your blogs have been so awesome- we enjoyed them and really got a feel of your great experiences there.
    We hope you have a nice and safe trip to Munich and beyond.
    Take care.
    Regards, Joy Karsevar

  2. Thanks so much for posting all the photos and comments! I saved this site in my tabs and look at it every other day :D
